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Fed Up with Overated and Overpriced Kids Food

Don't get me wrong, we do eat some junk food here and there. (Doritos, anyone?) And this whole road trip / vacation has been an ode to fast food. But crap-tastic foods like Super Sugar Spazz cereal and Lil' Salty's Toddler Meat Stix? No way. Yes, it annoys me that most of the foods targeted specifically at children are consistently over-sugared, over-salted, and high in fat. But what really galls me is being expected to pay $4 for a box of toddler heart attack.

Editor's Note:Author Stark. Raving. Mad. Mommy, writes about the hilarious insanity that is, in her words, "her life." This includes parenting, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, ADHD, allergies, asthma, Asperger Syndrome, and whatever else she has cooking at any given moment. Sometimes, she says, " I write things that not everyone agrees with, but I'm always honest. Let's face it, if all I ever wrote about was sunshine and lollipops, this wouldn't be a very interesting blog."

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